
Thursday, 24 February 2011

Kgw School Closures

Kgw School Closures:Oregon legislators' cavalier attitude towards early closure of schools shows that the marginal effect on the day of the school on student learning is small. But where are the facts? I've yet to hear or read a quotation from a single legislator in the minimum effect the closing of schools, so I decided to go for yourself.

Understanding of marginal interest to one day of school on student performance is complicated by the fact that school closures often not random. For example, when we looked at the effect of Oregon students of 2003 would shorten the school year we have trouble paying the consequences of the short school year with other effects of the recession in the state in which the social services have declined, unemployment and other disturbances hinder student performance. Therefore we could not attribute all likelihood only decreased performance in school closures.

Korah, who in his 24: th year as schools chief, announced his official retirement. Korah will actually continue as superintendent, and find ways to use a reduced salary to an educational and non-teaching position in the district to finance.


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